Other VR Porn Headsets

Quick Start Guide for Streaming VR Porn on VRPornGalaxy:

On Android Phones:
  1. Navigate to vrporngalaxy.com in your web browser.

  2. Click “Launch VR MODE” and choose Google Cardboard.

  3. Launch the app, put your device in the VR headset tray, close it and get ready to watch.

On iPhone
  1. Navigate to vrporngalaxy.com using the Safari web browser.

  2. Click “LAUNCH VR MODE” and select Google Cardboard.

  3. Follow the on-screen instructions and click “ADD TO HOME SCREEN”.

  4. Close the Safari web browser and click the icon on your home screen to Launch VR Mode.

  5. Once the app is launched, place your iPhone in the tray, close it and away you go.

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